Thursday 23 May 2013

Terror suspect: Michael Adebolajo

Terror suspect: Anjem Choudary (right) tonight claimed that this is him pictured with Michael Adebolajo, 28, (circled) at an Islamist demonstration in London in 2007

Weapon: This battered car was used to crush the soldier against a sign in front. The streak of blood in front shows how they dragged his body into the street.
  • Michael Adebolajo, 28, 'pictured with Anjem Choudary at the demo'
  • Adebolajo has been identified as one of two men suspected of killing Drummer Lee Rigby, 25
  • Schoolmates described him as a 'normal guy' who was radicalised at 15
  • Man believed to be Adebolajo filmed ranting with bloodied hands at the scene yesterday
  • Suspect seen preaching in Woolwich just days ago, according to witnesses
  • Radical preacher Choudary knew Adebolajo and called him 'pleasant'
  • Police raid house thought to be his father's home in Lincolnshire village
  • Parents moved him away in his teens as he became 'obsessed' with Islam
  • Adebolajo and the other suspect were known to British Secret Services
  • Pair arrested and being treated in separate hospitals after being shot

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Azenabor Iyere Johnson