Saturday 1 June 2013

Why I can’t strip fully in films –CossyOrjiakor

Do you regard yourself as a musician
or an actress?
I’m an all round entertainer. I’m an
artiste, actress and also an activist.
You recently released an album. What
is the acceptance level?
Yes, I released an album so as to push me
to take music seriously. Normally, I can
do a song and then hibernate for a long
time. With the album, Nutty Queen, a 15-
track album out, I have two years to
promote before I will do another. So far,
I’m taking sexual seduction to the
streets. I have done online promotion and
my fans and even critics love it. I’m yet
to take it round radio stations. Also,
when the video is ready, I’ll take it to
television stations. I’m kind of busy with
other things so I really need someone very
capable to manage me as an artiste. When I
get that person, my music will get to the
grass root because it has good messages.
You once said you are born again, are
you still?
I never said that. I’m a sinner and have
come short of the glory of God. He that is
without sin should cast the first stone.
My problem is that I’m too real in the
midst of lots of fake people. It is by the
special grace of God that people, even
pastors, will make heaven. What’s the
difference between I that love to show off
my cleavage and the pastors that love to
show off their flashy cars? The in thing
now is private jets. I think I’m better
off because with the economic situation,
lots of stress and all, some can channel
their frustrations and some people can get
relieved at the sight that makes them
forget the terrible situation. But some of
these church owners don’t know how to give
back to the society, you don’t need to be
a member before you can benefit. Churches
can just buy basic foodstuffs and give to
the needy. There are a lot of ills in this
society. I don’t even want to mention the
corporate thieves that get patted on the
back for embezzling money meant for the
old and retired citizens. Next time you
see such people, ask them if they are born
again because I’m a sinner. I pray God
will give me my heart desires because my
flesh is so weak.
Sounds like you are unhappy with the
I love Nigeria. I’m a proud and true
Nigerian. It’s just that I don’t like it
when I’m asked that question. It’s so
obvious that I’m not born again but with
the special grace of God, I will be
There are rumours of you having HIV.
Is it true?
I will love to know where the rumour
started, so I can sue. Also, the bloggers
will write whatever they think will drive
people to their sites without verifying if
it’s true or not. Like a website just
cooked up a story and said that I have HIV
twice and I’m afraid to have it the third
time. To an educated person, such stories
are more like a joke but to those that
don’t know better, they may believe it. I
don’t have HIV, I don’t have AIDS. That
does not mean it’s a death penalty for
those that have it.
But I read it somewhere that a friend
close to you confirmed the story…
Well, I can come up now and say that Bill
Gates is my grandfather; talk is cheap. I
will like whoever that said that I have
AIDS to come out publicly and say it. I
don’t bite. I just need who I can show
proofs to, not the public. So if you think
and believe I have AIDS, just quote
yourself and not base it on rumours. My
friends, the few that know me well and
come to my place, are not cowards. They
stand firm and fight for what they believe
in. So if whoever said that can’t come
out, then I don’t have who to respond to.
Why these many negative stories about
I’m blessed. When God has blessed you
abundantly, you will surely have enemies.
A lot has been said about my person. The
first was when I stopped acting awhile
back. Rumours went round that my father
shot me. Later, it was that my father
disowned me. It was published in
newspapers. I later went to an event with
my daddy. He even granted an interview.
We posed for pictures but that interview
was not published. Maybe they want to sell
an image that I’m not in good terms with
my family. Well, blood is thicker than
water. I’m well loved and cherished by my
parents and siblings. Also, a movie I did
in 2003 called Itohan and directed by
Chico Ejiro made headlines in 2009. The
dog issue: some mischievous persons that
have access to the location pictures
connived with a journalist. They called me
up about the pictures; after telling them
the source, they still went ahead to write
a terrible story about my person. Up till
now, some people still make mention of it.
The video is online and also on my tweet
page for people to watch. I’m even tired
of trying to defend myself. Then this HIV
story by an imaginary friend. I wonder
what next. Maybe they will get someone
that looks like me to act a sex movie.
Whatever happens, I’m strong, I will
survive because I have God’s grace and I
am immensely blessed.
Talking of blue films, US-based
Nigeria actress and producer, Afro
Candy, said she would like to feature
you in one of her sex movies.
Like I said, talk is cheap. I’ll like to
have a dinner date with Richard Branson,
it’s just a wishful thinking. It’s when
she approaches me then I will know she is
serious. I have gone through a lot, now I
know better. I can’t condemn her, she is
Hollywood standard when it comes to
showing off her body. The likes of Janet
Jackson, Halle Berry even most of their
female musicians have gone nude, and
Nigerians adored them. For me, I can’t go
totally nude, never. My mum told me never
to go nude. If not, I have got a beautiful
body and I’m not afraid to flaunt it.
Besides other artistes have taken pictures
with panties and bra, maybe on the beach.
So it looks cool but when you wear and
pose on bed, it smells sex.
About the pictures you posted on
Twitter, why did you post them only to
remove them and apologise?
I took those pictures in a friend’s
guesthouse. My photographer took them. I
was wearing a g-string and bustier. It was
an on the spot thing. I didn’t make up for
the pictures and she took them with her
Blackberry phone. They were not good
enough. I guess I was bored then. I can be
up to no good when I’m bored and need a
little distraction. So now I watch it when
I’m bored; I watch what I do, so I won’t
take such pictures again. Not as in
looking at the pictures. I don’t have them
at all.
Why did you apologise?
My friends and fans didn’t like the
pictures; that’s why I apologised.
There was a time a man grabbed your
boobs in public and you called him a
black monkey, what happened?
Oh! the black monkey knows himself. No
need to delve into that.
So what’s Cossy currently working on?
I’m working on my music video, fashion
line and also trying to keep fit via pole

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Azenabor Iyere Johnson