Friday 25 April 2014


Romans 6: 1-2 says- 1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?.
God is neither a man nor a fool that does not understand the heart of men. When pastors, who are said to be anointed, start quoting the holy bible for their own selfish interest, you can but ask yourselves WHO ARE THE PASTORS?. 

Yes, some may argue that no one is above temptation or it’s the devils doing that some pastors do things to favour themselves. Yes, I agree with them to some extent- that’s why God said he will start his judgment from the church (Pastors, Reverend, Bishop, etc).
Yes the pastors and other titles- what are their roles in the church? If I may ask, building expensive auditoriums, riding on jets, cruising around in expensive cars, wearing the best of designer shirts and pant, building expensive higher institutions with members tithe and offerings and charging them so high that the poor members who worship their pastors can’t afford to sent their children to the institution.
What if they were to be God, oxygen will be for rich members only and the poor ones will have to beg or kiss the pastors feet to get oxygen.
Please don’t get me wrong, if you see a fake product in the market, then the original exist somewhere. Not every pastor is fake, self centered or selfish, but the bad ones are making the good ones look bad also.
The story of Ese Walter is one story that will forever remain in my mind for a very long time. Yes temptation sometimes are very difficult to overcome if not well grounded in the word of God, but when a so called man of God carries himself to be tempted is no temptation.
In Ese’s story, she wrote “once evening, Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo called me that he was coming to London needed me to help him make some hotel bookings as the person who was meant to do it couldn’t get it done”. If the pastor was not having the mind or taught of fornicating with Ese Walter, technology has made life easy and fast. Hotel reservations or bookings can be done online, if you know where you are heading to. Pastor Fatoyinbo not pleased with the slow pace of Ese in getting an hotel, got it done himself. Back to the writings of Ese Walter “Later that day, he said it had been sorted and my would would not be required but that he would like me to arrange a cab to pick him up from Heathrow. The cab guy was there to get him the next day and when he arrived, he called to ask why I didn’t accompany the cab to pick him up”. What a calculated plan to commit adultery with a single lady whose body isn’t firewood.
Lets continue with Ese’s writings “about two hours later, he called me and said he would like to see me. When I arrived his hotel, I called from the reception but he asked that I come upstairs”. A pastor inviting a sexy lady into his hotel room and praying against temptation is not normal and not only inviting her to his hotel room but offering her alcohol to drink. Please what name shall will give the Fatoyinbo type of temptation- Personal made temptation, nooooooooooooo or mind made up temptation, yessssssssssssssss, that’s a perfect name for pastor Fatoyinbo temptation ‘ mind made up temptation. A temptation that went on for a little over a week, DAILY isn’t temptation anymore. Why am I using temptation? Pastor Biodun told Pastor Flo that it was only once and a mistake. To a pastor once and mistake is temptation. In Pastor Biodun’s planned and calculated temptation, he has his own special grace to commit adultery. Ese Walter quoted Pastor Biodun “I will teach you a level of grace that you don’t understand”. Understanding fornicating grace is so wonderful. To further confuse the poor lady (who is also to be blamed to some extent) Pastor Biodun quoted the bible to his own advantage and selfish interest “Touch not God’s anointed” in the face of committing adultery.
Was she raped (to answer your question)? When you are confronted with a man that has a sugar or honey coated mouth, you can’t but fall and also remember that Ese Walter was still single and I guess it has been a long time she tasted sex (Body no be firewood) and again, she was in London doing her master program before that thing called penis when after her from Nigeria (using members title and offerings to get visa, air ticket and hotel reservation) to London.
Another question is, how did the whole body of COZA as a church handle the matter? In an article I read considering this issue, Ese Walter did her master program 2010-2011 or so.  And the church authority got to know about this issue before she made it public on Friday 23th of August, 2013.  Was Pastor Biodun suspended or what punishment was he subjected to. Or was Ese Walter invited by the church authority to clarify her claims against one of their senior pastors. So many questions seeking answers from the COZA leadership. 
Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo’s case is one out of many and not because God hate him but to correct his wrongdoings and get him back to the right track. Before God exposes a man, he would have sent a warning signal to him but because Pastor Biodun has a special grace to sin, he refuses to see or listen to the warning signal from God.
There are so many cases of pastors or so called men of God selling what is called holy water and holy oil from 100,000 naira or more to members or prayer seekers or pay pastors to go and talk to God on their behalf on mountains or paying pastors to pray and fast for them. So many cases top mention a few of them.
The pastors or the apostles of old (i.e. in the bible) never run after earthly riches or enjoyment, all they were after was how to win souls to the kingdom of their master who has sent them. They got money from the rich members and spent it on the poor ones among the members, they seek shelter for the homeless before seeking for their own, and they risk their lives for others not protecting their lives with policemen and bullet proof cars.
Rounding up my thought, not saying pastors should suffer or be poor, NO, but build schools that will be affordable for members who are part of the contributors even with their little income, be part of the social responsibility scheme or exercise and so on.
Matthew 6:33 says But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
How many pastors are seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness?. Who are the pastors that truly believe that God even exist?, who are the pastors that believe in shepherding his flocks without asking for payment?. WHO ARE THE PASTORS?. 

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Azenabor Iyere Johnson