Saturday 26 April 2014

Woman bites pregnant neighbour after fight over burning of incense

A pregnant woman in Abuja was attacked by a neighbour after the duo had an argument about the burning of incense.
The pregnant woman, identified simply as Victoria, is said to have complained to her neighbour, Mummy Sekirat that the latter’s constant burning of incense at their Gwarimpa residence made her nauseous due to her condition.
Mummy Sekirat, whose husband works in the same office as Victoria’s, however took offence to this and attacked pregnant Victoria biting her and hitting her on the head.
Leadership reports:

The women, whose husbands worked in the same federal government ministry, shared separate rooms in a duplex apartment rented by the ministry. Mummy Sekirat occupied the masters’ bedroom while Victoria made do with a room and the sitting room.
Trouble started when Victoria, who is pregnant, began to complain that her neighbour was in the habit of burning incense in the sitting room, producing fumes which, according to her, nauseated and made her feel like to vomit, due to her condition.
LEADERSHIP FRIDAY learnt that on the fateful day, Mummy Sekirat, felt that Victoria’s nagging had gone too far and decided to teach her a few lessons. According to an eye-witness, Mummy Sekirat picked an object in the sitting room and smashed it on Victoria’s head.
Both women were said to have bitten themselves, leaving deep cuts on their arms. Mummy Sekirat was said to have also smashed Victoria’s television and other equipment in the sitting room.
It took the intervention of neighbours who heard the screams of both women before calm was restored to the apartment. Victoria immediately went to the Gwarimpa Police Station where she reported the matter, accusing Mummy Sekirat of attempting to kill the baby in her womb.
The police invited the husbands of both women who rushed to the police station to find their wives behind the police counter, each making their statement. The police were already poised to charge Mummy Sekirat for assault when Victoria’s husband pleaded with his wife to drop the charges.
Victoria reluctantly agreed to drop the case, but not without getting the police to make Mummy Sekirat sign an undertaking that she must never fight her, for as long as they both reside in the compound.

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Azenabor Iyere Johnson