Thursday 14 August 2014

Nigerian Woman has malaria not Ebola

Turkish Health Ministry officials have said on Wednesday that the 32-year-old Nigerian woman and her son, who were put under medical supervision at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport for showing symptoms of the Ebola virus, are suffering from malaria.

The Nigerian woman, named Stella Omorowa, and her four-year-old son were on a Turkish Airlines flight from Lagos in Nigeria to Istanbul on Tuesday when the mother told the cabin crew she was feeling unwell.

According to the Turkish Health ministry, the woman who was complaining of high fever and vomiting after arriving at Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airpor,t has been diagnosed with malaria.

The Turkish ministry officials said that the woman needed urgent treatment as she had a severe form of malaria.

The Nigerian woman was isolated to be medically examined and to confirm whether she had the virus, the Turkish officials had said on Wednesday.

Both the mother and the son were transferred to a nearby hospital, after the mother showed symptoms of fever and vomiting.

They arrived in Istanbul to catch a connecting flight to Barcelona, Spain.

In a statement it issued on Tuesday, the Turkish ministry said the passengers were taken under supervision as a precaution, adding that it was too early to say if they have the virus.

“Since they are coming from an Ebola-affected country, Nigeria, the Health ministry is taking every possibility into account,” the statement said.

Last week, Turkish Minister of Health, Mehmet Muezzinoglu, said Turkey did not face any risk from Ebola.

He told reporters that Turkey had taken measures against any possible outbreak but did not give any details of the precautions.

The tropical fever, which first appeared in 1976 in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, can be transmitted to humans from wild animals and also spreads through contact with the body fluids of an infected person.

Doctors say common symptoms of Ebola include high fever and headaches, followed by vomiting and internal and external bleeding.

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Azenabor Iyere Johnson